Eighty Sixed
chef apparel

The first thing you should know about Eighty-Sixed is, we are chef owned. Ive been in the industry all my life but have been cooking and cheffing professionally for 20 years. My dad first became a head chef at 18 years old, and naturally like most kids I wanted to be just like my dad….. which we was naturally against. When I got my first job as a dishwasher for him, he and all the other cooks tried to push me out of it.  I fell in love with food and moved up very quickly. If you have worked for family or a father in the industry, they come down a whole lot harder on you than others.

Ive been in large chains, large scale catering, pubs, fine dining, film catering and diners. I know the grind, sacrifice and hard work that all of you go through on a daily basis.

Meet Our creator


The idea for Eighty-Sixed started around 2013. My artist who was formerly my dishwasher started doodling graffitti style chef knives. However the original name was Manik Chef Wear with a backwords “K”. Nothing came of it and we moved on. We reconnected in 2017 and started brainstorming ideas for a chef style comic book, based on our place of employment. Again we both got caught up doing other projects. Fast forward to May 2020, Covid had shut down my diner, no real job prospects in sight, I finally had the time to go full tilt into creating and starting what became Eighty-Sixed.

I wanted to create a chef inspired clothing line that would bring people together. What happened was something I could never have expected. People liked the product and wanted to support this crazy adventure. The Eighty-Sixed Brigade was born. We share our triumphs with eachother and want to grow together.  I want everyone to be proud to let people know what it is you do anywhere from 9 to 18 hours a day!  

As we continue to grow, we will always stay true to ourselves. Like any chef or cook, We only want to send the best product out. And It doesnt matter if you arent a chef, if youre a cook, dishwasher, prep cook..... whatever. Know there is always a spot in the Brigade. Can i get a heard?

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